Words Matter Let Some Go

Words Matter because words mean thoughts, words mean intentions, words mean a plan. Depending on who uses them, words can mean nothing.

How many times in life have we learned it's not necessarily whether you are right or wrong in your actions and what you say, but it's also important how you use the words and how you present yourself.

I believe strongly that it's OK for people to believe in things strongly. I also believe everyone has the right to defend themselves and their position on issues, etc.  No one else is living your life. But I also believe there has to be respect and civility. Sometimes they just won't listen. Some really might not care. Some are passionate in their position against yours. That doesn't give them the right to be nasty, name calling, rude, spread lies or gossip about you. That says more about them than about you. But it is so damn frustrating!

The same actions can make you look angry, aggressive and unreasonable but with the right expressions, the right explanations and how you present yourself those actions can be seen as heroic, thoughtful and caring.

Make Your Words Count

Sometimes all the words in your head stand for all the millions of things you have to do. Work, family, bills, school, homes, did I mention bills! It can be overwhelming and some days it's better to let some of the words go, take a break. 

Put the words into another paragraph to work on later. Take some time and use words like love, fun, relax, hug and eventually of course that one big word will come back around... reality.

Sometimes it's easier to tackle reality after taking a break!